Let’s Go On Mission!

First Southern Baptist Church is committed to equipping our members to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We value cross cultural missions because we know the command from Jesus was clear in Acts 1:8. We want to help you follow Jesus by offering several times throughout the year to GO be a missionary, not just go on mission trips. Check out the opportunities to go and be sure to fill out the form to let us know you’re interested.


Guatemala - Family and Children - March 9th-15th, 2024

  • All are welcome, including families and children who are of the age and maturity to be trained and effectively share the Gospel cross-culturally.

  • The cost per person is $2,000. There will be several times throughout the coming months for fundraising to help you cover costs.

  • Mission trips require flexibility. Our missionaries will be in villages and towns sharing the Gospel, as well as be asked to serve in different locations over the course of the week. Missionaries must attend all trainings in order to be equipped to do the work of a cross-cultural missionary.

  • Informational Meeting October 1st @ 12:15pm

    $200 Deposit Due November 5th, 2023

    $400 due December 17th, 2023

    $600 due January 25th, 2024

    $800 due February 25th, 2024

Nicaragua - Family & Students Trip - June 1st-7th, 2024

  • All are welcome, including families with youth group-aged students (completed 6th-12th grade).

  • The cost per person is $2,000. There will be several fundraising opportunities for those needing assistance.

  • All individuals going on this trip will be expected to attend trainings in order to best effectively share the Gospel cross-culturally. While on the trip, flexibility is key and a must when going on any mission trip. There will be times where missionaries will be in villages, at the Emmanuel Home of Protection, or otherwise traveling through the local town.

  • Informational Meeting October 1st @ 12:15pm

    $200 Deposit Due November 5th, 2023

    $400 due December 17th, 2024

    $600 due March 31st, 2024

    $800 due April 28th, 2024

iGo Mission Trip to Tulsa: July 21st - 26th, 2024

  • Completed 3rd through 6th graders.

  • $250 per person

  • The kids will be expected to share the Gospel, participate and facilitate in a backyard Bible camp, and use their spiritual gifts that they have been developing throughout the year.

  • $100 deposit due April 7th, 2024

    Training dates: Tuesdays starting May 7th, 2024

Kingdom Builders - September 7th - 14th, 2024

  • This mission trip is labor-intensive as our missionaries will be sharing the Gospel and building houses in Guatemala.

  • The cost per person is $2,000. There will be fundraising opportunities offered in the coming months to assist in the cost.

  • All missionaries will be required to attend trainings so that everyone is equipped in sharing the Gospel. There won’t be a physical test to determine your abilities, but it is expected that you are physically able to accomplish the labored tasks.